Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year ~ 2009

Happy New Year,

Our first meeting of 2009 will be Monday, January 5, at Pasta House 5:30-7:30. Don't forget this will be our postponed (from December) Wine Exchange. Bring a bottle of wine (price limit $15) wrapped anyway you choose.

There will be appetizers or you can order a meal or both!! Bob is setting up a nice place for us.

Wear your holiday bling or not, just plan to attend and bring a friend.

Can't wait to see your smiling faces!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Wine Exchange in January

Welcome to Winter and unpredictable weather! Can you believe we had ice on Monday and today it's 65 (break out the shades).

Trying to book a last minute place at Christmas and add to the mix an unpredictable number of attendees has been challenging to say the least. So in light of all that we will have our "Dirty Santa Wine Exchange at our January 5th meeting. I will let you know the location soon.

Don't forget Russ's invite: "They may be booked for parties but they don’t turn away bar business. Anyone have suggestions on a rendezvous for a drinkiepooh?" Contact Russ if you need a break from shopping!

Be safe and enjoy the holidays,

Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15th Meeting Cancelled

Tonight's meeting is cancelled due to the weather. I will try to reschedule.

Please be safe.

Peggy Allgood

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Flamingo Row

Let's do it again! What fun and what a crowd! I think everyone had a great time at Flamingo could you not with such a great atmosphere. A big thanks to the crew there. The service, the food it was over the top!!

Thanks to Mr. Art we have some great pictures to share...Go Art!